Curriculum Vitae of Sarah Algoet (°1982, Kortrijk - Belgium)

- Singer
- Founder of singsing! (est. 2007)
- Voice teacher & vocal coach for singers and speakers
- Mentor for voice teachers & vocal coaches
- Public speaking coach
- Voice Researcher
- Illustrator of
- Lecturer at, delegate & organizer of international congresses, conferences and symposia
(2011 – now) Click here to see the list - Masterclasses, workshops and lectures for universities, high schools, academies, hospitals, choirs, companies,… worldwide
- Project Manager & Trainer at Ludo
Past Functions
- Authorized CVT-Teacher
june 2014 – febr ’21 - Co-Founder & Vice President of, Belgian Voice Teachers Association
2012 – ’19 - Member of the Council of EVTA, European Voice Teachers Association
2012 – ’19 - Guest Professor of Voice at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, Dpt. Musical Theater
jan 2011 – sept ’12

Education - Voice & Related
Lecturer at, delegate & organizer of international congresses, conferences and symposia
(2011 – now) Click here to see the list

- What You Should Know About the Sometimes Unexpected Effects of Medications on Your Voice
Teacher: dr. Lieve Delsupehe
- The Voice in the Menopause Transition and Beyond
Teacher: Joanne Hayes Bozeman - The Lips, Tongue & Jaw Gym – Myofunctional exercises in function of optimal oral tone, tongue posture and breathing
Teacher: Emily Kirkcaldy (UK) - Flexible Thinking: Understanding Hypermobility and Neuroanatomy
Teacher: Celest Pereira (UK) - Emotion in the Singing Voice
Teacher: Louisa Morgan (UK) - Pop Vocal Riffs & Runs
Teacher: Kim Chandler (AU) - BAPAM – Looking After Your Voice: A Guide to Vocal Health
Speaker: Sarah Owens (UK) - The Impact of Tongue Tie and Oral Dysfunction on Health and Performance – An Introduction for Vocal Coaches
Teacher: Emily Kirkcaldy (UK) - Mix and Match: Piecing Together the Puzzle of Mixed Register
Speakers: Chris Johnson (UK) & Lynn Maxfield (US) - Exploring Hypermobility and Its Impact on the Voice
Speaker: Alien Partljic (SI) / Organizer: The Visceral Voice (Christine Schneider) - Menstruation & the Voice: History, Research and Practical Guidance
Teacher: Joanne Hayes Bozeman (US) - SOVT Exercises: What, How, When, and Why
Teacher: John Nix (US) - Voice Is Free After SOVT
Teacher: Dr. Ingo Titze (US) - Vocal Kinesthetics: Singers and Acid Reflux Workshop
Teacher: Kimberly Moller (US) Singing in Co-Harmony: An Introduction to the Trauma Informed Voice Studio
Teacher: Megan Durham (US)
- Compassion Focused Training (CFT) for Singers, Singing Teachers and Other Music Professionals
Teacher: Dr David Juncos (US) - Vocal Assessment Methods
Teacher: Chris Johnson (UK) - Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) for Music Performance Anxiety (MPA)
Teacher: Dr David Juncos (US) - Through A Different Lens – Workshops for performing artists living with neurodivergent traits associated with ADD and ADHD: Managing Stress & Anxiety, Planning & Organisation, The Upsides and Downsides of ADHD Hyperfocus, Employment Support & Advice for Freelancers, Activities That Help You Take Care Of Yourself, Techniques To Improve Sleep
Organizers: BAPAM Psychoeducation & Attitude is Everything (UK) - How to Prioritise Self-Care When Working in Music: Managing Stress & Anxiety, Depression & Low Mood, Emotional Regulation & Challenging Negative Thoughts, Sleep, Social Media, Body Image, Authenticity & Identity, Creativity & Motivation, Navigating Life Changes
Organizer: Help Musicians & BAPAM Psychoeducation (UK) - Singing As Pregnancy and Postpartum Exercise
Teacher: Hayley Williams (US) - Vibrato and Non-Vibrato Singing
Teacher: John Nix (US) - Improvisation (for singing teachers who don’t improvise!)
Teacher: Chris Johnson (UK) - Articulation for Singers – How to optimize and coordinate your Jaw, Lips, Tongue & Soft Palate to Deliver Beautiful, Resonant Lyric Diction
Teacher: Claudia Friedlander (US) - Performance Psychology
Teacher: Prof. Bert De Cuyper (BE) - Tongue Tie in Singers
Teacher: Jessica Luffey (US) - Common Medical Diagnoses and Treatments in Voice Patients
Teacher: Dr. Robert Sataloff (US) - Trauma-Informed Voice Practices: What Does It Mean In Practice?
Teacher: Dr. Elisa Monti (UK) - All About Vocal Fold Swelling: Interpretation, Detection and Recovery
Teacher: Lori L. Sonnenberg MM, MA, CCC-SLP (US) - Surgery in Singers
Teacher: dr. Declan Costello, MA, MBBS, FRCS / ORL-HNS (US) - Speech therapy approach to presbyphonia
Teacher: Marthè Nijkamp SLP (NL) - Positive Influence vs. Psychological Manipulation in the Voice Studio
Teacher: Jessica Baldwin MM, BA (US) - Vocal Combat Technique
Teacher: D’Arcy Smith BFA, MFA (US) - Fierce-ify Your Audition Prep!
Teacher: Amanda Kaiser (US) - Neuro-Vocal Method: How to teach High, Rock Belt
Teacher: Meredith Colby (US)
- The Somatic Voicework™ Guide to Belting & Other Pop Sounds
Teacher: Jeanie LoVetri (US) - An Introduction to Somatic Voicework™
Teacher: Jeanie LoVetri (US) - Neuro-Vocal Method: The Easy Way to Get Pop Singers To Make Pop Sounds
Teacher: Meredith Colby (US) - Male vs Female: Vocal Differences You NEED To Know For Effective Training
Teacher: Chris Johnson (UK) - Cart Before The Horse: Reframing The Order And Mechanics Of Breath In Singing
Teacher: Heidi Moss (US) - Have a Ball with Your Breathing!
Teacher: Claudia Friedlander (US) - An Introduction To Endoscopic Interpretation
Teacher: Kerrie Obert M.A., CCC-SLP (US) - Voice Disorders: Overview Of Common Pathologies & Indications For Management
Teacher: Kerrie Obert M.A., CCC-SLP (US) - Perceptual-Motor Learning In Voice Training
Teacher: Dr. Kittie Verdolini Abbott (US) - Voice Image: A New Paradigm for Voice Identity
Teacher: Dr. Bethany Turpin (US) - Performance Psych Essentials For Educators
Teacher: Noa Kageyama (US)
- Singers and Self Laryngeal Manipulation: What Singing Teachers Need to Know – NATS Chat Jan 2021
Speakers: Nicholas Perna, D.M.A and Marci Daniels Rosenberg, SLP-CCC - The Neuroscience of Emotion: Individuality, Interpretation, and Anxiety
Speaker: Heidi Moss Erickson (US) - “What We Focus On Expands” – An Introduction Into (Music) Performance Anxiety
Speaker: Petra Raspel Borzynski (DE) - Poor Pitch Singing, Amusia and the Brain
Speaker: Associate Professor Boris Kleber, PhD (DE)
Center for Music in the Brain – Aarhus University, Denmark - Return to Performance: Looking After Your Voice, A Guide To Vocal Health
British Association for Performing Arts Medicine
Speaker: Sarah Wright-Owens BSc (hons) SLT, GBSM (UK) - Reentry after COVID – Concerns for Singers
National Association of teachers of Singing (NATS US)
Speakers: Lynn Helding – MM, Allen Henderson – DMA, David Meyer – DM, John Nix – MM, Thomas Leigh Carroll – MD, Jeremy S. Faust – MD, Wendy LeBorgne – Ph.D. CCC-SLP - Psychogenic Voice Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment
Voice Clinic AZ delta (ENT AZ Delta)
Speaker: Kim Rutten, MA (NL) - Coaching & Mentoring Skills for Singing Teachers
Teacher: Teresa Shaw (UK) - Neuroscience-based Vocal Pedagogy
Teacher: Heidi Moss Erickson (US) - Biofeedback in Vocal Pedagogy
Teacher: Heidi Moss Erickson (US)
- Performance Psych Essentials For Educators
Teacher: Noa Kageyama (US) - Working with Transgender Vocalists: An Overview
Teacher: Liz Jackson (US) - Voice Therapy for Trans People
Teacher: Katrien Eerdekens (BE) - Inhalation therapy for the voice & “Bubbling” (Lax Vox)
Teacher: Michelle Mallinger (US) - Teach without Teaching – Experiencing, Understanding & Applying 7 Somatic Learning Principles in the Voice Studio
Teacher: Robert Sussuma (US)
- Complete Vocal Fitness – Fitness in favor of your voice
Teacher: Claudia Friedlander (US) - – Voice Science in practice
Teachers: Laurel Irene (US) & Dr. David Harris (US) - Connected singing – Working with fascia in favor of the voice
workshop & online course
Teacher: Sanne Graulund (DK)
- Singing, Movement & Staging
Teacher: Jeanne Dambreville (FR) - Body & Voice, the link
Teacher: Emmanuelle Trinquesse (FR) - Lichtenberger method / Sound oriented singing & psychotraumatherapy
Lecture ‘Singing and being’ & workshop ‘The art of listening’
Teacher: Priske Dehandschutter (BE) - Manual Techniques in Voice Therapy – MFL
Thomas More Hogeschool Antwerp (BE)
Teachers: Dirk Vanneste (BE) & Annelies Labaere (BE) - Vibrant Voice Technique – online course
Teachers: David Ley (US) & Elissa Weinzimmer (US) - Complete Vocal Technique – Update Course for Authorized CVT Teachers
Teaching staff: Complete Vocal Institute (DK)
- The Power of your Tongue
Teacher: Osteopath D.O. Nico Lambrechts (BE)
- The Organic & Intelligent Choir
Teachers: Jim Dhaus Hjernoe (DK) & Peder Karlsson (DK) - Functional Voice Disorders & Stress, Fear of Failure & Stage Fright
Teacher: Heleen Grooten (NL) - Masterclass Musical Theater
Teacher: Tom Dewulf (BE)
- Intervision Workshop for voice teachers
Teacher: Maarten Koningsberger (NL) - Lax Vox
Teachers: Dr. Ilter Denizoglu (TR) - Estill Voice Training
Teacher: Outi Kähkönen (FI) - Overtone Singing – 2 lectures
Teacher: Wolfgang Sauss (D) - Complete Vocal Technique – Update Course for Authorized CVT Teachers
Teaching staff: Complete Vocal Institute (DK)
- Manual Facilitation of the Larynx – MFL
Expertisecentrum Stem, UZ Leuven
Teachers: Piet Kooijman (NL) & Annelies Labaere (BE) - Psychology & The voice – Influences of emotions & stress on the voice
Teachers: Koen Korevaar (BE) & Karen Verniers (BE) - Linklater & Fitzmaurice: Speaking & Singing in Public
Expertisecentrum Stem, UZ Leuven
Teachers: Michael Peterman (D) & Michael Morgan (US) - Alexandertechnique
Teachers: Lieve Hermans (BE) & Helga Henckens (BE) - Complete Vocal Technique – 3 year Authorized CVT-Teacher course (2011 – ’14)
Teaching staff: Complete Vocal Institute (DK)
- Overtone Singing – workshop & private lesson
Teacher: Raphael De Cock (BE) - Lichtenberger method / Sound oriented singing – private coaching
Teacher: Livia Cuypers - Complete Vocal Technique – 3 year Authorized CVT-Teacher course (2011 – ’14)
Teaching staff: Complete Vocal Institute (DK)
- Linklater Voice Method – Freeing the natural voice – Body & Breathing Awareness
Teacher: Els Jourquin (BE) - Complete Vocal Technique – 3 year Authorized CVT-Teacher course (2011 – ’14)
Teaching staff: Complete Vocal Institute (DK)
- Estill Voice Training – masterclass + Level 1 & 2
Teacher: Alberto Ter Doest (NL) - Complete Vocal Technique
3 year Authorized CVT-Teacher course (2011 – ’14)
5-Day courses & Introductory masterclasses
Teaching staff: Complete Vocal Institute (DK) - Private coaching
Teacher: Robin Van Beek (NL), Authorized CVT-Teacher
- Lichtenberger method / Sound oriented singing – workshop & private coaching
Teacher: Tine Rymen (BE) - Complete Vocal Technique – 5-Day courses & Introductory masterclasses
Teaching staff: Complete Vocal Institute (DK) - Private coaching
Teacher: Eva Wilms (NL), Authorized CVT-Teacher
- Alexandertechnique – private coaching
Teacher: Toia Correa (UI) - Complete Vocal Technique – 5-Day courses & Introductory masterclasses
Teaching staff: Complete Vocal Institute (DK) - Private coaching
Teacher: Eva Wilms (NL), Authorized CVT-Teacher
2007 - '08
- Complete Vocal Technique – 5-Day courses & Introductory masterclasses
Teaching staff: Complete Vocal Institute (DK)
2003 - '05
- Classical singing & Teacher training
Royal Conservatory of The Hague
Teacher: Rita Dams (NL)
2001 - '03
- Classical singing
Hogeschool Ghent, dept. Music & Dramatic arts – Conservatory
Bachelor’s degree, great distinction for voice
Teacher: Erika Pauwels (BE)
1999 - 2001
- Private classical singing lessons
Teacher: Erika Pauwels (BE)
1997 - '99
- Classical singing
Municipal Conservatory of Kortrijk
Teacher: Françoise Vanhecke (BE)
1989 - '98
- Flute, AMV & AMC
Peter Benoit Academy of Harelbeke
Municipal Conservatory of Kortrijk
Education - Other
- Pilates (2022 – now)
Pilates Centre Jalon (Spain) - Aerial hoop & Trapeze (2020 – now)
La Marina Social Club, Dénia (Spain) - Hatha Yoga: Yogacentre Eric Gomez, Ghent (2012 – ’17)
Acro Yoga: Studio NoXcuse, Ghent (2015 – 2016)
Yin Yoga: Self study via online course (2017 – now) - Sportive Pole Dancing (2012 – 2019)
PoleFun / Studio NoXcuse, Ghent - Mindfulness (2011)
Institute for Attention & Mindfulness of David Dewulf, Ghent - Art Science & Archeology (2000 – ’01)
State University of Ghent - Classical Ballet (1990 – ’94)
Municipal Conservatory of Kortrijk - Disco dancing & Salsa (1994 – ’96 & 2002)
Dance School Dursin, Kortrijk - Drama (2005 – ’06)
Wisper, Gent
Teacher: Geert Willems - General Secondary Education (1994 – 2000)
Latin-Modern Languages (ASO)
Don Boscocollege, Marke