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Does Your Tongue Pass the Waterballoon Test?


In case you didn’t know yet: I have a tongue fetish! 👅😝

Restricted tongue mobility can severely impact your singing. Even slight restrictions can make a significant difference in your ability to control your voice, leading to a struggle with intonation, dynamics, breathing, vocal agility and much more.

But there’s good news! You can train your lips, soft palate, jaw ànd tongue in function of optimal oral tone, tongue posture and breathing.

That’s exactly what we’re going to do in the live webinar The Tongue, Lips & Jaw Gym, led by myofunctional therapist Emily Kirkcaldy on October 1st 2024. Enroll now!

Here’s a nice experiment to check whether your tongue is relaxed or is holding excess tension…

The Waterballoon

In 2020, I shared this challenge in The singsing! online community Facebook group and I’m challenging yoù now to do the test!

  1. Stick out your tongue & let it rest on your lower lip.
  2. Tilt your head from left to right.
  3. Observe what is happening with your tongue.
The members of the community had interesting observations to share…

What does this test tell you?

The goal is that you feel your tongue “falling” from left to right like a dead weight, along with the tilting of your head. Kind of like a waterballoon.
If you have excess tension, you will feel activity like shivering, contractions,… Or the tongue will not fall from left to right, but stay in the middle. So Olivier, Liese, Paulina and Janet have some tongue tension to attend to. Val and Haike have happy, relaxed tongues!

What were your observations?

If you didn’t have the waterballoon-feeling… Welcome to the The Tongue, Lips & Jaw Gym, led by myofunctional therapist Emily Kirkcaldy on October 1st 2024 👅😝

Enroll now and train your lips, soft palate, jaw ànd tongue in function of optimal oral tone, tongue posture and breathing!

As always, feel free to send me your thoughts, questions, and feedback in the comments below this blog, via the contact form or in the singsing! online community ❤️



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